Artists Promotion
Since 2011: Concerts in France with the MNOZIL BRASS (Austria)

Recordings Management
Recording of a CD in November 2020 in Wissembourg for the Continuo Classics label: Lev Sivkov, cello, Nikita Mndoyants, piano. Sound engineer: Marc Lipka. Collaboration with the City of Wissembourg and the Wissembourg International Music Festival directed by Hubert Wendel.

Production of a Jazz CD Tribute to Erroll Garner by Ray Carter in 2017 and broadcast of concerts.

2009: Coordination of the recording of the Royal Wind Quintet in Stockholm for the Continuo Classics label. Creation of the Wind Quintet by composer Anders Hillborg at the Swedish Cultural Center in Paris. Presentation with Marc Dumont, France Musique.

Creation of European Music Festivals and Academies
2015: Creation of a Franco-German Concert for Peace in Baden-Baden – With the collaboration of the French Embassy in Berlin, the French Institute in Stuttgart and the Baden- Baden Philharmonie.

2001-2003: Creation and management of the European Flute Academy in Fiss (Austria). With the collaboration of the French Institute of Innsbruck, the French Embassy in Vienna and the Fiss Tourist Office.

1994-1997: Creation and management of the Franco-Czech Academy of Music in Telč – Czech Republic.
Commissioned by the French Institute, the French Embassy in Prague and the town of Telč

International distribution of composers
Cooperation with the Fondation Action Musicale Pierre Wissmer and European Orchestras. Promotion of the composer’s works. (Editor Gérard Billaudot) https://www.billaudot.com/fr/composer.php?p=Pierre&n=Wissmer

Cooperation with European Music Schools
2018: Management of a Franco-German program with the Ensemble SERENATA / Stuttgarter Musikschule and COUPS DE VENTS / Pas-de-Calais. Diffusion in Germany and France. With the collaboration of the French Institute in Stuttgart and the French Embassy in Berlin.

Translations of musical works or record books – Media
2018: French translation of the Baden-Baden Philharmonie catalog.
2001-2003: European musical correspondent for France-Culture / Radio-France.
2001-2003: French rereading of the discographic booklets for the complete J.S. Bach music
by the Stuttgart Bachakademie. H. Rilling conductor.